Dental Bench Test

dental programs

WHY THIS DENTAL PROGRAM/SPECIALTY? – CAAPID SIMPLIFIED Are you a PASS aspirant, preparing in earnest for your residency interview? Then this blog is specially for you! Of the many whys, what’s, and how’s your interviewer will throw at you during the interview, a crucial one will be, ‘Why do you want to pursue this specialty/this …

WHY THIS DENTAL PROGRAM/SPECIALTY? – Caapid Simplified Read More »

This Blog is on How to answer 'Why your TOEFL score is Low?' - by Caapid Simplified

Before you even begin reading this article, I hope you have gone through our compendium that lists all interview questions you can expect on gaps, and limitations in your profile. If you have, then go on! WHY DO US DENTAL SCHOOLS ASK FOR YOUR TOEFL SCORE THROUGH CAAPID? Clearly, by the time you are reading …

“How To answer the question “Why is your TOEFL score low?” Read More »

a Blog on How must International Dentists prepare for Caapid Bench tests? by Caapid Simplified

But first, let’s answer the question about what a bench test is. Dental bench tests are like lifting weights at the gym, but instead of working out your biceps, you’re flexing your technical skills and clinical competency. It’s a practical exam where dental students have to show they can perform specific clinical procedures before they’re …

How must International Dentists prepare for Caapid Bench tests? Read More »

Are you wondering why this happened to me?  How do I figure out the possibilities that went wrong last time?  What should I add to my profile to get into a dental school?   How to address the shortcomings of my profile?  Whom to approach?  You are hiking the right trail. Review the candidacy holistically is …

Rectifying Re-application Dilemma Read More »